Worksheet of the Week: Presidents and Pictures


Help! Can you muster up your history knowledge and name these Presidents? Ask your parents to help you download this FREE worksheet to get started on all your President’s Day celebrations!

JumpStart’s Worksheet of the Week

True or False

The History behind the Holiday

Are your kids curious as to why we celebrate Presidents’ Day each year? Now is the perfect time to share with them a little history lesson, so that they can learn more about the true meaning behind the holiday.


Celebrated in the U.S., Presidents’ Day generally honors the legacy of all the leaders that held office as President of the United States. However, this has not always been the case. The historical origin of this day is actually much more closely linked to two specific presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

The holiday we now know as Presidents day, actually came about as a celebration of Washington’s Birthday and is to this day still recognized by the federal government under that official title. Traditionally believed to have occurred on February 22, the celebration of Washington’s Birthday was reassigned to the third Monday of the month sometime in the early 1970s. In more recent years, the holiday name and its associated traditions have varied among the states with some still preferring to recognize the day as Washington’s Birthday as opposed to the more widely accepted, “Presidents’ Day.”

Around the time that the holiday was moved to the third Monday in February, it was also being celebrated alongside the birthday of another influential leader, Abraham Lincoln. With Lincoln’s birthday celebrated on the 12th of the month, schools banks, and other state run facilities are often closed on Presidents’ Day as a means of honoring the lives of both former presidents.

Regardless of the variances in state traditions, the day is often commemorated with community wide celebrations with family and friends. So next time you find yourself at a loss for words when your child has questions about Presidents’ Day, share this little bit of history with them and let us know how you traditionally celebrated Presidents’ Day!